What Matter Feels poster series Folio 1
Folio 1 of the What Matter Feels poster series contains 12 designs that marry reproductions of marbled artworks with texts to express key ideas from the treatise of the same name. These vibrant prints on archival-quality matte paper are offered in three sizes.
About the What Matter Feels poster series
These posters contain images created using the paper marbling process. This is an ancient technique in which drops of ink and paint are applied to the surface of a bath of thickened water. The drops spread out on the surface and interact with each other, forming patterns that are transferred to sheets of specially prepared paper. The patterns are produced by the same interaction between energy and matter that produces all forms in nature, which is why they often look so organic. Many traditional marbling patterns are named after the natural forms they resemble, such as eyes, stones, veins, and shells.
The posters on sale here have two main purposes. First, they illustrate one of the central principles of the approach outlined in the treatise What Matter Feels, which is that energy + matter = form. This means that when energy is added to matter it takes on a form that is determined by the nature of the matter and the energy that is added to it. Think of the cell-like bubbles that form at the bottom of pan of boiling water or the ripples in sand on the beach caused by waves. All the images here are created using the same principles.
A second purpose of the posters is to present some of the key concepts set out in What Matter Feels succinctly and vividly. But they are not designed to give an unambiguous message in the way posters traditionally are. Rather, they can suggest multiple and often subtle meanings that emerge only through prolonged contemplation. For this reason, they are meant to be lived with as works of art rather than glanced at and passed by, as commercial posters often are.